At the METAV 2018, HEIDENHAIN will be focusing on leading-edge topics for machinists, covering subjects such as Connected Machining, new functions for the TNC 640, turning with the CNC PILOT 640, and much more.
You will have several opportunities in Düsseldorf to experience and discover these highlights from quite different perspectives:
- HEIDENHAIN booth: Hall 16, Booth C32 “Well-connected milling”—a live demonstration with the TNC 640 and Connected Machining
- Industry 4.0 Theme Park: Hall 17, Booth A05 “Efficient lathe machining in a networked production environment,” with an EMCOTURN E65 lathe from EMCO in combination with a CNC PILOT 640
- HEIDENHAIN at the IndustryArena: Hall 14, Booth A107 Keep a close eye on the status of your machine tools and jobs with the help of StateMonitor and Extended Workspace.
- TNC Club Lounge—A meeting of experts for TNC operators: Hall 16, Booth C23
- Special youth exhibit (“Sonderschau Jugend”): Hall 17, Booth A89